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Particular Passions

Particular Passions: Talks with Women who Shaped our Times

Stephanie Coontz

A comment on "The Myth of Male Decline"

Betty FriedanLynn Gilbert1 Comment

The Myth of Male Decline, By STEPHANIE COONTZ, published in The New York Times on September 29, 2012  generated 235 Comments - here is ours.

The conversation about the role of women was well articulated by Betty Friedan - "You're never finished."

In her oral interview for "Particular Passions: Talks with Women Who Shaped Our Times," Friedan discusses the need for men and women to define the multiple roles that we all play -- in the workforce, at home, as mothers, as wives. What we see in today's society - with this article in The Times, and Marissa Mayer's assertion that she will work through her maternity leave  -- is that in the 40 years since Friedan wrote "The Feminine Mystique," this conversation has yet to take place.

"The way . . . you can have children now, when you've already started on your work, and know what you can do, you are not subject to the guilts. That was the worst, the guilts, the conflicts . . . That put negative valences on one's own enjoyment of motherhood. It's such a short period. I wish I'd felt free to concentrate on them more."

Enjoy a complimentary interview with Betty Friedan in her own words - an oral interview from the book, Particular Passions - free.

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